Saturday, September 18, 2010

Catering, Completing and Copying... Check!

Well, if you were to ask me what my week was like I would give you a blank stare followed by "hmm, what did I do this week?".  Having had a moment to think about it this would be my answer:

Monday- I can't remember right now :) OH, yeah we served at the Garden and had a wonderful time!  I invite all who can to come with us and serve and be blessed by the wonderful staff and residents at the Garden!

Tuesday- we met with a wonderful lady who is going to be doing the catering for Emily and Chris's wedding.  We are so thankful my mom set us up with her!  Not only did we meet with her, but we picked out the rest of the menu, and were able to figure out how to set up the reception hall.

Wednesday -cleaned like a maniac and enjoyed a clean house in the evening!

Thursday- did grocery shopping, and cooked for care group dinner and then had care group.  We had  a full house and I even ran out of chicken!  Wow, God is really working in me because I didn't freak out too much just heated up leftovers from the fridge for a hungry late comer. ( Although, I did tell the singles to please let me know if they would be there next week so it didn't happen again! :))

Friday- this was a crazy day!  I was blessed with Victoria and Lo for breakfast, then went to begin more paper work for the dossier.  Went to the Canton courthouse first and was blessed with very kind and patient help.  However,  I was surprised to learn that one of the notaries we used was a Bartow county notary so that meant a drive to Cartersville .  So off to Cartersville from Canton which started with a wrong way on the interstate, so I had to turn around at the next exit, then went to the courthouse where again I had some gracious help from the staff.  I also was blessed to see a Prayer List folder out in the open along with the other files on the shelf- only in small town GA!  After Cartersville,  it was off to Cobb County court house and the last document to be certified.  Again, I was blessed with helpful, cheerful and kind people at the courthouse.  At the end of it all I was glad to live in Georgia with so many nice people!!!

After all the paper chase I copied our dossier and mailed it off to CWA (our adoption agency) for their final approval.  You may wonder what this means, well for us it means not much more paperwork and a lot more waiting!!

We also received an e-mail from our agency telling us referrals have slowed way down and they expect them to stay that way for a little while longer.  I was disappointed at first but as always God was faithful to remind me this is his adoption plan for us and we are to wait patiently on him to fulfill his plans in his time for his glory!  So, we wait and do the things he has called us to today.

I have been reading in the Old Testament all year and am learning so much about God's character and his sovereignty over every detail of every area of life... I cannot tell you the peace it gives to know that all God has planned to do will be done... in his time.... according to his will and character... which is ALWAYS good, just, kind, loving and for His Name to be known among the peoples of the World!

One of my favorite verses is (KJV) " Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in thee". (Isaiah 26:2)

Hope your week went well and that you will find peace in our Father's love and his precious gift of life through His Son Jesus!
Love and Prayers,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Post

Today marks an exciting day in my life and the life of our family, so I thought what better way to commemorate the day than by starting a blog! 

You may be wondering what is this exciting thing?  Today I finally feel like the newest phase of our life is beginning....

About 3 months ago our family began the process of adopting 2 children from Ethiopia.  God has been working in our lives and in our hearts and brought us to this place by his grace and by his plan and purpose for our lives.  That is the only explanation for two people who are at the tail end of "parenting" to decide to pretty much start over with two more children, and for their four daughters to also desire this and be excited as well!

For the past 3 months we have been doing paperwork and completing our home study.  We received the home study in the mail today which means we can now get started on what feels like the major steps toward completing the journey God started us on 3 months ago.   As of 2 hours ago our paperwork is on its way to Texas and the USICS to begin being processed by the immigration and home land security department.  At the same time by the end of this week we hope to have our copies of our dossier submitted to the adoption agency for approval.  Then on to the Secretary of State, The State Department and the Ethiopian Embassy.  In the meantime we wait for our fingerprinting appointment for our immigration papers and for final approval from the USICS.

We have other new and exciting phases beginning in our lives as well, as a matter of fact I need to go soon and meet with the caterer we are interviewing today for my daughters WEDDING!  Yes, not only is God blessing us with two little ones but also a Big One (Chris)!  We are so thankful for God's blessing on Emily and for the new life adventure she and Chris will embark in on December 18th.

More to come on another day!  We would so appreciate your prayers for provision for funds for the adoption, for wisdom as we proceed through the steps and make our plans, and for Emily and Chris and their up coming wedding and marriage!

Love to all