Monday, February 27, 2012

New Directions!

Looking at the date on my last blog I realize I am a bit of a blog slacker!!

What has life been like here at the Hollis home since September?  Well, we have been very busy!  Scott has traveled quite a bit in the last 5 months and has been doing well at work.  I have been staying busy keeping the home fires burning! 

Amanda is home and working right up the road as a banker with Wells Fargo.  We are so blessed to have her home with us. :)  Emily and Chris just got back from Australia where they spent 8 glorious days.  Rachel is engaged to a great guy T.K. and they are getting married April 14, 2012.  Andrea is still at Etowah and is going to get her license tomorrow.

We have been very involved with a new church plant that we are hoping will be up and open within the next year.

As for the adoption process in Ethiopia... due to the lack of movement and progress in the Southern Region of Ethiopia we have decided to stop our adoption process in Ethiopia.  God has taught us much through this process and in the past year.  Our hearts are definitely very eager to adopt and or care for children who are in need of homes,  we are just looking at different options and places the Lord has been opening up to us. We are very sad that we were not able to bring the boys home.  However, we know and have much faith that we cannot even comprehend the things that God is doing, but know and believe that they are good!

We would so appreciate your prayers as we continue to seek out how the Lord would desire us to serve him and those around us.  Thank you for your prayers and your care for us over the last few years. 

As for the blog name, well we can say that as of April we will have gained to sons-in-law...... this just goes to show that man makes his plans but God directs his steps!  Thought we would be Hollis 8 in a very different way, but yet here we are still looking forward to being Hollis 8 (kind of)...just not according to our plans!

Looking forward to seeing how God directs and acts in the future.  Wouldn't trade this roller coaster ride for any other! As one of my favorite bloggers says "All is Grace".

Thanks again for checking in!