Thursday, October 21, 2010

Been busy!! But who hasn't!?

Hello friends,

I had someone ask me about my blog posting (or lack there of) yesterday so I decided to catch up anyone who was interested!

Since the last post we have been busy beavers.  Scott has been traveling a bunch, and working very hard ( even went to Hawaii on business for 4 day, not as fun as it sounds).  While Scott was gone he treated me to a one night, two day personal retreat.  I was able to get a lot of details ironed out about showers and wedding planning, read a bunch, and was able to get to the GA Secretary of State's office to get our documents for our adoption ready to go to DC.

The girls are all very busy with school and work.  I remember the days when they were all still little girls and I could have never imagined how different it would be in ten years!  I miss them being here, but as a wise lady at The Garden ( ministry to homeless woman and children) said to me when I was saying how much I longed for those days "oh no, this is what we prayed for when they were little... that they would grow up to be children who love God and live lives of their own".  She was so right, but I would also say that we prayed for girls who would God and seek to glorify him with their lives.  What more could you ask for.  So I have to say I am thankful for the many years they were all home with us and excited to see how God uses them as he grows and matures them! BUT,  I can also get excited when they come home and visit (7 days and counting Amanda!).

Wedding plans are coming along.  A lot of little details that need firming up and lots of envelopes to address (today hopefully).  Two wedding showers in the next 4weeks,  and I will start making some mac and cheese after Thanksgiving. 

As far as the adoption goes, we are in the final stages here in the US.  Our dossier that will be sent to Ethiopia is at CWA (our adoption agency) waiting for the rest of our fees.  As soon as God supplies those (in HIS perfect time) our dossier will be sent to the Ethiopian Embassy in Ethiopia and we will begin waiting for our referral (that would be pictures and info on the children selected for us)  which could be 3-11 months.  We have all of our fingerprinting done so we are also waiting on final USICS approval which should come in the next couple of months.

I posted on FB the other day that my status was "Waiting".  I feel this is really what God is teaching me right now... to rest and wait on Him... my faithful, gracious, loving Father, who abounds in steadfast love for his children.  As I am reading through the gospels right now I have been struck again by God's love and care for his children, and Christ reminds us again and again that our Father knows our needs and will supply them. So my challenge is to be and do today all HE wants me to do and be today with what he has given me the opportunity and privilege to do and be today
for HIS honor and glory!

Thanks for caring and reading!  Please pray for us during this crazy busy, exciting and eventful time in our lives and also for God to continue supplying the funds for our adoption.

Love and Prayers